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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

New iPHONE 3G - OMG!

Oh my Dawg,

This has got to be the coolest thing ever. . .

Ok, i know iPhones are nothing new.

But the new 3G guided tour shows the brilliance of iPhone/Apple ingenuity and technology.

iPhone 3G Guided Tour

How can you NOT think this is the Coolest Phone Ever (so far)?

Actually, it really should be called a communicator - cause that's what cell phones
have evolved into -

Capt Kirk's 'communicator' is pretty bland in comparison.

Except for the part about being able to contact a spaceship orbiting the planet.

I wonder what sort of radiation those put out? Ma Bwain Is Melting!

I can't believe I still don't own one yet!

OK so for those wondering what the true cost of an iPhone will be after 2 years,

I Give you GizMoDo Review, Digg IT

Compare that to my Helio Fin with Unlimited Everything for 2 years $3100 or so.

However, Gizmodo's review was taking the lowest ATT phone plan offered vs the unlimited calling plan for $99

That would end up costing around $3400 - or about $15 more per month

for something that in most ways rocks out the Helio (soon to be called Virgin Whatever thanks to Sir Richards' newest aquisition)Fin making it a no brainer for me.

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