/-//////////* Live In Gratitude... Live Free: Do You Live In The Present Or Do You Live 'In Regret'

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Monday, July 21, 2008

Do You Live In The Present Or Do You Live 'In Regret'

Have you ever thought of it this way?

They say we call it the present because it's a gift.

But When we grieve or long for the past or feel angst and fear over what the future may bring, we lose out on life itself.

Still we do it anyway - most of us - - most of the time.

People dwell in the past because it's familiar - like an old friend, or watching an old movie again - we can sulk in the crappy parts or skip to the happy parts depending on our mood.

The future can often be unnerving as we are conditioned to fear the unknown.
So we worry about all sorts of stuff that could happen but most likely won't.

But when you live in the present, in the moment, you won't miss it when it passes.

There will be no time for regrets or feelings that you missed out on something.

Every moment counts.

Live in the Present . . . instead of in Regret.

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