/-//////////* Live In Gratitude... Live Free: Attn Internet/Network Marketers What G.P.T. Is.

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Sunday, August 3, 2008

Attn Internet/Network Marketers What G.P.T. Is.

The latest hype with the 'in the know' marketers is G.P.T.
Most people out there promoting this concept are holding the cookie for ransom by forcing you to opt in to their list in order to find out what it is and
why you 'don't want to miss the boat'

i don't know about you, but I am so tired of all these lame-ass cliches being played over and over like a worn out record - oops - i just did one myself. LOL.

Enough babbling already. GPT or G.P.T. is Get Paid Today. Come on people, this is nothing new - just the latest catch phrase to get attention.

Getting paid today is the same as monetizing your list, funded proposal, etc.

It still comes down to perseverence, commitment, leadership, relationship building, and TAKING ACTION.

Want to get paid today? Get paid today. G.P.T. there, i said it. MEOW.

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