by Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.
A child walks across hot coals. A woman lifts a car to save her trapped
child. Congregants of the Free Pentecostal Holiness Church drink toxic
doses of strychnine during exultation without harmful effects. We can
walk on fire, drink poison and lift a thousand pounds. Yet, we have fallen
victim to the myth that we are vulnerable and frail organisms whose
limitations are programmed in the genes.
Facing crises in health, home and heart, to survive we must recover the
true powers with which we were endowed. The path toward self-empowerment
is now offered by leading edge science that is synthesizing a grand
convergence of the Body-Mind-Spirit trinity. A renaissance in cellular
biology has now described the nature of the communication channels linking
the mind and the body. This new science reveals how our thoughts,
attitudes and beliefs control our abilities and create the experiences of
our lives.
Research scientist and author Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., introduces this
long-awaited paradigm shift in an illustrated and animated lecture that
will take you on a fast paced journey from the microcosm of the cell to
the macrocosm of the mind. Experience the amazing discoveries of how
childhood programming and our “learned” perceptions control behavior,
regulate gene expression and even contribute to the rewriting of our
genetic code.
Based upon his bestselling book, “The Biology of Belief”, Bruce provides a
solid scientific foundation for creative properties attributed to the
“Power of Positive Thinking” and “The Laws of Attraction.” More
importantly, the awareness he offers reveals why and how we unconsciously
sabotage our deepest desires for health, happiness and prosperity. This
information will inspire your spirit, engage your mind and challenge your
creativity, as you comprehend the enormous potential for applying this
science in your life and in your profession.
"I have learned to think of everything I see as having an
energetic template that makes it appear as it does in
the physical. When I want to change something in my life,
I start with changing my energy. I do that by changing
my belief about it and the emotions that I associate with
it. It might sound crazy but it works every time. That
is what the Law of Attraction is all about."
-Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.
BIO: BRUCE H. LIPTON, PH.D., the bestselling author of “The Biology of
Belief”, is a cellular biologist, and former medical school professor.
His pioneering research on cloned stem cells at Wisconsin’s and Stanford’s
Schools of Medicine presaged the revolutionary field of epigenetics, the
new science of how environment and perception control genes.