/-//////////* Live In Gratitude... Live Free: December 2007

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Or... never give up on your dreams. Paul Potts, a 30 something British cellphone salesman had up to this point kept his singing voice mostly to himself a few others. By a simple flip of the coin (if I remember correctly from his NPR interview a few weeks ago) he decided to go try out on England's TV show Britian's Got Talent. (England's version of America's Got Talent). Now he's living his dream as an opera singer.

Go here to see his first round audition on TV Paul Potts on Britian's Got Talent

Careful, you might get all misty-eyed ;-)

Now if you think this was all a bunch of media manipulation then check out this person's lengthly commentary on the whole thing Is it all a bunchof hooey - a charade that falsely elicits one's true emotions?

Sunday, December 2, 2007


All is not well or fair in the Internet arena - Big surprise, right?
Sites such as Ulrarpm and metapredict will screw you over and steal any domain names you don't IMMEDIATELY snatch up. I don't know HOW they are doing it, but let's just say that if you are an entrepreneur, and are looking for a particular domain name and do a search at any registrar out there and it shows it's available and you don't grab it right then and there, don't be surprised if one of those companies above or similar doesn't own it the next day and have it 'parked' like some opportunistic squatter wanting $100000s for a $5 name.

I always suspected this was the case, but now I see it's for real. Someone is feeding a list of search requests or selling them or whatever, to these people who can then decide if it's a good sounding name and then take it for themselves. This is called domain kiting - - like kiting a check. Apparently there's a 5 day grace period with domains and what this company and others like it do is grab all of these domains, toss up a parked site and see what sort of traffic comes to see it's potential value.
Too bad most of us don't realize this goes on. So here I am trying to notify the masses.

I know I may sound like I'm whining, but what I'm trying to do is make everyone AWARE that the playing field isn't level and if you are someone who needs domain names, then be very careful when you go search and be ready to buy then and there or you can expect it to be gone tomorrow.

Think I'm crazy? Check out these links Domain Stealing
and this site - metapredict/Ultrarpm should be brought down and beaten senseless Registering 100,000s of thousands of domain names daily turning the internet into a giant empty parking lot

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Cookie Monster forced to sell out years ago.

OK, to keep in line with the theme of this blog, I'll start off by saying I'm thankful for remembering Cookie Monster from Sesame Street back when he just ate cookies.

Unless their parents tell them or they happen to see old reruns, kids these days have been gipped by the Political Correctness and Accountability movements. Although I myself haven't seen it in person (I'd rather hold on to the memories of how he used to be), Cookie Monster has to eat other 'healthy for humans' foods like veggies... and sing the cookie is a sometimes food song... UGH!

Let's think about this, Cookie Monster doesn't need health foods. He's a monster (or a muppet with a guy's hand up his ass). I'll stick with, he's a monster.... A monster who eats cookies - preferrably chocolate chip cookies that are large, stale, and have a high crumble factor. Poor ol' Cookie Monster needed those big plates of cookies due not to his high metabolism, but rather his horribly messy and inefficient eating habit. If he got 10% of a cookie down the hatch, he was doing good. Most of them ended up on the floor, which explains why you never saw cookie monster doing ads for diabetes medication or weight watchers.

I'd talk about the Count and how a dream I had in my teens scarred me for life, but that's not appropriate for this blog so you'll just have to wonder :-P