/-//////////* Live In Gratitude... Live Free: February 2010

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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Your Own Worst Enemy . . .

Imagine this: You’re out of debt. Completely. And you have
money in your bank to be able to buy nice things for yourself
and your family without feeling guilty or wondering if you could
afford it.

Wouldn’t that be nice?

Having money means living the life that you want. There’s no
need for greed or opulence. You don’t need that private jet, or
that mansion with a droves of servants to answer your every

…but it would be nice to live in comfort, to be able to buy your
friends, family, colleagues or loved ones gifts or go on holiday
without sinking into poverty or debt.

If you’ve already realized this, then here’s something you need
to know:

The secret to wealth lies within you.

It’s about HOW you think about money. If you think you don’t
have enough then you just won’t have enough!

Take a moment and think, how do rich people perceive
money? What about the poor?

Do you see where I’m coming from? If you doubt the Law of
Attraction, then it’s never going to work for you. But this can be
easily fixed… All you need to do is change your mindset, the
way you think about money. Your perception towards it.

When you THINK the way rich people do, you ATTRACT
money the way they do.

This is what Bob Proctor has been telling you all along.

If you want to change your mindset about money and attract
money like bees to honey, then you NEED this program.

This is the turning point that can change your life FOREVER.

The question is, are YOU ready for this change?


Let’s make 2010 the best year of our lives.


The SGR Program Happy 2010