/-//////////* Live In Gratitude... Live Free: June 2008

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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Good Times Are Finally HERE!

Just a little bit of good news:

we are finally at the end of part of a multimillion year cycle of 'crap'
and starting tomorrow we enter into a 'temporary' period of heaven on earth for the next several 1000 years

that means the rest of 2008 is gonna be great!

Not that things have been bad so far...

Quote of the Day

This quote is inspired by the teachings of Marharishi

It the nature of the universe

to be more and more...

to want more and more

Monday, June 16, 2008

Are You Swimming Upstream?

How do you know? Life and work become drudgery and frustrating.

You're thinking may be putting blocks between you and your objective.

Stop for a moment and grab a pen and paper and write a gratitude list.
Think of it like a grocery list or to-do list.

Whatever you're grateful for right now, in this moment, just write it down.
Nothing's too trivial - maybe it's you're happy to be alive, to see or hear,
or to have shelter... or your friends and family.

The important thing is to just do it. It will get you into a better frame
of mind and help unblock the flow of good that is constantly coming
to you.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Quote of the Day

What comes out of your mouth

is a reflection of what's in your heart

pay attention to the words you use

and articulate carefully.

Happy Father's Day

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Friday, June 6, 2008

Quote of the Day

Life is

the memories you create

for others to remember.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Heard this in a Tony Robbins interview with Wayne Dyer

To Die While You Are Alive...

the Sufis say,

whe you die while you are alive,

you look back on your life and

you realize you can't own anything

so you can't have any of it

so you detach yourself from it and

the more you detach yourself from it,

the more you get.

Quote of the Day


Different way of focusing on the concept of

"Failure is not an option"